Torturing God

An early morning visit to the temple and this is what came to my mind while seeing the rituals at this Hanuman temple. The idol was of black stone and around 1.5 feet high. The priest had just finished bathing the idol and was wrapping a small white dhoti around it. Then a colourful cloth was tied as a waist band. Another metal idol but smaller was placed near it's feet. Next came the flower garlands. . . 1 . . 2 . . . I thought this was done. But wait here came in 3, 4 and 5. I could only see it's small stone face while none could guess the presence of the metal idol. A few more garlands of flower and tulsi and leaves were used to decorate the shrine. It seemed someone was buried in flowers and leaves. The priest was still not done. Chandan and saffron tika was applied on the forehead, earlobes and feet. Finally something white may be curd or cream was applied on the neck completing the makeup. It was time for the actual prayer with incense sticks and oil lamps and the ringing of bells. All this time I was wondering if all these were done to a live human he would surely have done a court case!!! Thank GOD it was just an idol. So why are we torturing Gods??? 
Extending this thought what if someone makes you sit by force and keeps pouring milk or water all day? This is I guess what happens to Lord Shiva. Not just one temple but across thousands of them across the world. 
I guess when we cannot handle this, even God should be spared. 

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